Tyee Presents is the special section within The Tyee where we highlight contests, events, and other initiatives on behalf of select partners.
We choose our partners carefully and consciously, to fit with The Tyee’s reputation as B.C.’s leading home for news, culture, and solutions. Whether it’s a contest for music festival tickets, a weekend getaway, an announcement of a public dialogue or fundraising event, they’re things we believe will be of interest to a wide variety of our readers, and resonant with their values.
Content within Tyee Presents plays an important part in growing revenue for our independent, professional, paid journalism. Advertising relationships, media sponsorships, and other types of business partnerships support us financially and help to grow our readership.
Call us, and we’ll get started on a tailored plan for you.

Jeanette Ageson
Phone: 604-689-7489 x104
Email: [email protected]
Past partners include:

Frequently asked questions:
Does The Tyee offer sponsored content services?
The Tyee only offers editorial coverage in the Tyee Presents section if the event or organization fits all of the following criteria:
- Is a good fit with our educated, engaged, and progressive readers’ interests and values.
- Allows our readers to participate in some way: contests, public dialogue or speaker events, and crowdsourcing initiatives are often good fits.
- Financially supports our independent, professional, paid journalism, and/or offers significant media sponsor opportunities to grow our readership
If your organization, event, or product is not a fit for Tyee Presents, we’re still more than happy to offer regular standard banner advertising.
Please contact Jeanette Ageson, our publisher, to discuss opportunities (604-689-7489 / [email protected]).
My event / organization / initiative is newsworthy, but we don’t have a budget for advertising and promotion. How do I contact the newsroom?
If you think your event, organization, or initiative will interest our news team, please contact them separately with your inquiry here.
Does The Tyee have an events listings page?
Sorry, no. Useful, curated, well-organized and searchable events listings are a major undertaking, and The Tyee does not currently have the resources to manage it.
Tyee readers are:
Educated: 74% attended post-secondary institutions.
Affluent: 40% earn more than $60,000 annually.
Conscious consumers: 95% seek out green and fair trade products.
Charitable: 87% donate to non-profits.
Globetrotters: 64% purchased airline tickets last year.
Artsy: 92% go to concerts, 86% attended a conference or speaker event, and 70% see new movies in the theatre.
Key age: 74% are 35+ (the largest and fastest growing consumer group in Canada).
Loyal: More than 80% of readers surveyed agree that “no one compares to The Tyee.”