This fall, British Columbians have the chance to decide how our MLAs and governments are elected. A binding referendum will let us stay with the current system or change to proportional representation.
In This Series
Your Guide to BC’s Proportional Representation Vote: A Tyee Series
Has the pre-referendum spinning left you dizzy? We’ll help you cast an informed ballot.
First-Past-the-Post: Is It Working for You?
Should we stay with the status quo, or go? Part of a Tyee series on the electoral reform referendum.
The PR Options: Dual Member Offers Proportional Results, Local MLAs
This made-in-Canada system is one of BC’s three choices. Part of a series.
The PR Options: Mixed Member Proportional Keeps MLAs Local and Regional
This one follows New Zealand’s lead. Part of a series.
The PR Options: Rural-Urban Proportional Recognizes Province’s Diversity
Two systems combined in made-in-BC electoral reform solution. Last in a series.