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[Editor's note: See 20 great images of this summer in B.C. taken by Tyee readers by clicking the arrows at the very top of this story.]

Following a season as meteorologically mediocre as the summer of 2011, September is an unwelcome month. Autumn, with its cozy sweaters, built-in reasons not to exercise ("it's so rainy!"), and wonderful weekday containment of British Columbia's school-age children in the province's classrooms won’t be quite as sweet this year, as some people are still hoping summer's just really late.

Sure, the sun made a few appearances: there was BC Day on Aug. 1, which you can see from these photographs from The Tyee's Flickr Photo Pool was a long weekend Tyee readers made the most of. But now it's September and, like it or not, you've got one of two choices: acceptance, or denial.

Acceptance means you've packed away those nearly unused flip-flops and are now clad head-to-toe in knits, curled up with a steaming chai latte hoping for better weather next year. You're going to try and move on: dwelling on B.C.'s un-summer any further will probably just cause the early onset of your seasonal affective issues. Smart move.

Of course, if you aren't willing to admit defeat, there's always denial. We're happy to help you delude yourself, which is why we’ve put together this collection of our readers' best summer memories. Looking back on the photographs readers have shared in our Flickr pool, summer actually looks half-decent. And it was! It was great.  [Tyee]

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