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The best part about Canada Day is that it happens on July 1. The start of summer in Canada. Real summer; those eight brief but blazing hot weeks when our natural bodies of water have finally warmed to suitable swimming temperatures. (By Canadian standards, that is.)

In honour of this much-anticipated season, and of the water-rich nation we inhabit, here we present a selection of Tyee reader-sourced photos of good times in and on the water. Click through the top of this photo essay to see all of the images.

The Tyee's photo pool is where dozens of members of The Tyee community post digital photos. Want to see more? Go to The Tyee home page, scroll down and click the blue link on the right that says: Your BC: The Tyee's Photo Pool.

Thanks to all who contribute. This collection is a lovely reminder of how lucky we are to live in a province that has it all: lakes, rivers, fjords and ocean.

If you'd like, add your favourite swimming, paddling or fishing spots in British Columbia in the comments section below. (Then, again, perhaps you'd like to keep those a secret.) And if you're looking for places to take a dip, check out the Waterkeeper Swim Guide, an app that offers GPS-based directions to swimming holes and surf spots close to you.  [Tyee]

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