Jennifer Jacquet
Jennifer Jacquet, an environmental economist, is with the Sea Around Us Project (SAUP) and the UBC Fisheries Centre.
Stories by Jennifer Jacquet
Idea #6: Vertical Agitation
Peer pressure does encourage others to adopt eco-conscious behaviour. But to make a real difference, you need to go straight to the top.
Something's Fishy about this Eco-Stamp of Approval
Scooping up wild fish to feed to farm animals just doesn't make sense.
Tried the Slimehead? Delicious!
How renaming fish is hastening their extinction.
Finished with Your Fish?
Seafood loving author gulps at fate of our oceans.
The Toothfish that Bit Al Gore
Chilean sea bass: overfished, confusing, and political dynamite.
Save Our Oceans, Eat Like a Pig
Let's stop wasting tasty fish on animal feed.
Consumers Alone Can't Save Our Fish
It'll take a boat load of votes, too.