The B.C. Teachers’ Federation has launched a two-front video campaign: First against the Foundation Skills Assessment test next month, and second against the provincial Liberals in May.
All students in grades 4 and 7 take the FSA every February, but BCTF members recently voted to have nothing to do with the test this year—no teaching to it, no administration, and no scoring.
Now the BCTF has posted a 12-minute video on its website, outlining its objections to the FSA. (Click on The FSA. Failing Our Students, January 2009.)
The teachers argue that the FSA can’t reflect specific problems faced by some schools and students. They also object to the use of FSA results by the Fraser Institute to rank schools across the province.
With the provincial election still four months away, the BCTF has also launched an ad on YouTube: When Will They Learn? is a 30-second spot, and doubtless just the first of many.
Crawford Kilian is a contributing editor of The Tyee.
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